For Gov. Gavin
Newsom, there’s been an almost unprecedented mix of adulation and approbation
for his bold moves granting reprieves to more than 700 inmates on California’s
Death Row and ordering the state’s legal killing chamber dismantled.
From the left came
huzzahs and expressions of admiration from folks who believe that because very
occasionally an innocent person has been executed, no one should be, no matter
how cruel, evil or heinous their crime, no matter how strongly the sentencing
jury may have felt.
This school of
thought has never been a majority preference in California, no matter how
liberal its politics have become, although the margins by which capital
punishment is favored are narrowing. Where Proposition 17 passed by a 2-1
margin in 1972, enshrining executions in the state constitution, 44 years later
in 2016, the Proposition 62 measure aiming to end capital punishment lost by
only a 52-48 percent margin. That was about the same edge by which voters
passed Proposition 66 the same year, trying to speed up the legal process for
So while death
penalty advocates blasted Newsom’s reprieves as defying popular will, it’s
clear popular will on this issue isn’t nearly as strong or singular as it was
almost half a century ago.
Nevertheless, the
electorate’s wishes were expressed and Newsom ignored them, despite campaign
promises last year to be “accountable to the will of the voters.” He also
asserted that “I would not put my personal opinions in the way of the public’s
right to make a determination of where they want to take us…”
But Newsom has
defied the will of California voters before and won. His short-lived 2004 order
as mayor of San Francisco fostering same-sex marriages there clearly defied
public sentiment around the state, as measured by the easy passage of the 2008
Proposition 8 that briefly banned gay unions. But Newsom won out in the end
when courts all over America ruled same-sex marriage legal, such unions
becoming almost routine today.
That sequence of
events made Newsom a liberal icon and eventually sent him to the governor’s
But Newsom is far
from alone in defying the public will, as expressed via its votes. The courts
do it fairly regularly, on issues from public exposure to chemicals to the
best-known example: the piecemeal legal dismantling of the 1994 anti-illegal
immigrant Proposition 187, struck down one provision at a time over the five
years after it passed, despite winning by about a 2-1 margin. The measure would
have banned the undocumented from virtually all public benefits, from public
schooling to emergency room care.
This spring it was
state legislators led by Democratic Assemblyman Richard Bloom of Santa Monica
attempting to overturn last fall’s public “no” vote on Proposition 10, which
would have spread rent control to virtually all parts of the state. Bloom,
however, withdrew his bid, without apology, when it went nowhere.
Meanwhile, a spate
of bills hailed by Newsom would change the status quo on rents, which
Proposition 10’s defeat left unchanged. There’s a bill to spread rent control
to single-family homes and apartments more than 10 years old even in cities
whose rent-control laws specifically exempt them. There’s one to ban what
sponsoring Democratic Assemblyman David Chiu of San Francisco calls rent
gouging and another aiming to limit evictions.
All this reopens
the rent control debate a mere six months after it appeared resolved. As it
turns out, virtually nothing was resolved.
Perhaps it’s
one-party rule that makes officials from Newsom down to back-bench legislators
feel empowered to scorn the clearly expressed public will. Democrats hold every
statewide office and control both sides of the Legislature by margins of more
than two-thirds. Who’s going to stop them when they want to counteract what the
voters want?
They know the
Republican label is so toxic today in most parts of California that merely
defying or ignoring what the public wants will cost them nothing, and so they
do it without hesitating.
Email Thomas Elias at His book,
"The Burzynski Breakthrough, The Most Promising Cancer Treatment and the
Government’s Campaign to Squelch It," is now available in a soft cover
fourth edition. For more Elias columns, visit