Once California voters passed the 2000
Proposition 34 campaign finance initiative pushed by former Democratic Gov.
Gray Davis, it was only a matter of time before state and county party
chieftains became vital behind-the-scenes kingmakers.
Their unadvertised roles became
clearer than ever in the last election, where it was primarily money funneled
through the Democratic Party that gave the party two-thirds majorities in both
the state Assembly and Senate.
Prop. 34 aimed to make state elections
cleaner by setting firm limits on campaign contributions from individuals and
corporations. But it set no limits on giving to political parties or how they
could relay donations to candidates.
That’s one reason state party
endorsements can be crucial in modern elections here, like the one that lifted
new U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris into office over fellow Democrat Loretta Sanchez, a
10-term congresswoman. Party money was one big reason Harris dominated their
contest from start to finish and now is even being hyped as possible
presidential material.
But party money proved at least as important
in legislative contests. Such cash played
a huge role in the narrow upset win by Democrat Josh Newman over Republican
Ling Ling Chang in an Orange County state Senate district including Fullerton.
Newman, whose campaign had little cash before $2.2 million in donations arrived
from the state Democratic Party and six county party organizations in various
areas of the state, won by just 2,498 votes over former Republican
Assemblywoman Chang, who herself got $1.69 million from the state GOP when it
realized this seat could give Democrats the two-thirds majority they coveted.
Democratic Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi
upset Republican incumbent David Hadley, who had beaten him two years earlier
by just 706 votes in a district centered on Torrance. The key factor in this
close race was $3.4 million in Democratic Party funds. The Democrats also gave
state Senate candidate Johnathon (cq) Ervin $1.47 million in his race against
Republican Assemblyman Scott Wilk. Wilk won in their Santa Clarita-area
district, with the help of $1.37 million from the state GOP.
While Democratic politicians have
railed for years against so-called “dark money” coming into the state from
anonymous donors, they have said nothing about party funding, which often comes
from the same kinds of outfits that fund dark money operations, where sources
of cash are masked.
Donations to parties are disclosed.
Among the largest contributors to parties last year were the No on 56 campaign
organized by tobacco companies, the state’s hospital and Realtor associations,
Republican super-donor Charles Munger, AT&T, the California Teachers Assn.,
Blue Shield of California, PG&E Corp. and a wing of the Service Employees
International Union.
Each party pools the money it takes
in, so candidates receiving cash supposedly don’t know precisely how much they
got from which special interest.
The entire process makes party
chairmen among the most important players in state politics, even though they
are not elected officials and don’t answer to the voters.
Prop. 34 passed handily when it was on
the ballot because it was billed as a good-government measure putting tight
limits on what anyone can give to candidates. It did that, but the loophole of
unlimited giving to party organizations predictably rendered it ineffective in
limiting special interests’ influence in Sacramento.
Meanwhile, 17 years later, it’s clear
that Prop. 34 was inadequate as a political cleanup measure, but rather is
doing exactly what Davis and his cohorts appeared to want it to when they
presented it in a season of reform fervor: Keeping the money flowing just as
before, but in a masked way.
This measure, of course, could be
fixed by another initiative, but there has been no significant interest in that
since it passed, either by legislators or clean-government groups like Common
Cause and the League of Women Voters.
Which means that for the foreseeable
future, unelected party functionaries like current party chairs John Burton of
the Democrats and Jim Brulte for the Republicans will continue exerting
significant control over the outcome of elections and other California
political issues.
Elias is author of the current book “The Burzynski Breakthrough: The Most Promising Cancer Treatment and the Government's Campaign to Squelch It,” now available in an updated third edition. His email address is
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