Very quietly, the University of California’s faculty has for almost
half a year been considering putting at risk the institution’s tax exempt
status and its longstanding impeccable credentials as an impartial source of reliable
This is not the first time UC has seriously contemplated a
harebrained move – and sometimes those moves actually get made. Only last year,
for one example, UC decided it would no longer require prospective freshmen to
take standardized exams like the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or those of the
American College Testing Program (ACT).
Instead, UC admissions now rely primarily on high school
grades, meaning all high schools are considered equal, even though every parent
in California knows there are vast differences in quality of curriculum and
Amazingly, the faculty which votes on these sometimes
fashionable and politically correct moves is loaded with folks holding Ph.D.
degrees from the world’s top universities, with a fair sprinkling of Nobel
Prize laureates among them.
This group’s latest senseless proposal, kept mostly quiet
until a UC Santa Cruz professor let the cat out of the bag early this month,
would allow academic departments to take official stances on political issues
of all kinds. This proposal originated last fall in a letter from the head of UC’s
Committee on Academic Freedom to the system-wide Academic Senate’s top official.
“Departments should not be precluded from issuing or
endorsing statements,” said the letter from UC Berkeley law Prof. Ty Alper to
fellow Berkeley Prof. Robert Horwitz. The letter admitted “such statements are
sometimes ill-advised and have the potential to chill or intimidate minority
views.” But it said that’s OK, so long as minority views are explicitly
included as addenda and the names of those voting for the official statement
are revealed.
Of course, those very actions do chill minority views and
would influence hiring of new faculty, who in UC’s confidential processes could
easily be weeded out because of political views.
Officially sanctioning such statements on issues from
elections to international affairs to scientific beliefs would essentially make
UC departments political institutions. That could quickly cost the university
its tax exempt status, which now gives alumni and other donors large and small
tax writeoffs for every penny they contribute.
It’s not as if individual faculty members don’t already have complete
freedom to express any idea or thought they like. That’s how, for just one
example, former UC Prof. Linus Pauling became known as “the father of Vitamin C”
and also won a Nobel Peace Prize for his activism in favor of nuclear
Similar policies of complete individual license at the
California State University system (which would surely imitate any actual UC
action on the current proposal) allowed Ku Klux Klan ally Kevin McDonald, long
blasted by the Southern Poverty Law Center and others as a “racist” and an “anti-Semite,”
to remain a psychology professor at Long Beach State until he retired.
They allow some departments at San Francisco State to be
almost completely politicized, too, even if those departments don’t official adopt
the ideas preached by some of their more vocal faculty members.
It’s not as if departments don’t already go rogue sometimes,
with stances on Israel’s policies, climate change and other issues. Departments
may call these positions official, but under a UC policy in effect since 1970,
they’re not.
The policy states that “The name, insignia, seal or address
of the university or any of its offices or units shall not be used for or in
connection with political purposes or activity.” The policy also bans political
campaigning on campuses.
That’s the way it should and must be, if UC is to be sure of
maintaining both its tax status and its reputation for impartial intellectual honesty.
If anything, the current effort by Alper’s faculty committee
ought to serve as a warning to UC’s Board of Regents to be more vigilant in
enforcing its longstanding and upstanding policy.
Otherwise, why pretend the university or its
departments are impartial
observers or analysts of anything at all, from vaccines to political candidates?
Email Thomas Elias at His book, "The Burzynski Breakthrough, The Most Promising Cancer Treatment and the Government’s Campaign to Squelch It" is now available in a soft cover fourth edition. For more Elias columns, visit
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