California’s three biggest privately-owned electric companies tell you they
want to change their pricing structure just for your good, hold onto your
companies – Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison and San
Diego Gas & Electric – did exponentially more physical damage to this state
and its people over the last decade than any other industry and never paid much
for their misdeeds.
One – PG&E – has been convicted of
manslaughter and negligence for its role in both wildfires and a huge natural
gas pipeline explosion, without a single employee ever serving so much as a day
in prison for causing the loss of well over 200 lives and many hundreds of
homes and other businesses.
Instead of penalizing these companies
heavily, the utilities’ friends in the state Legislature and other offices from
the governor on down keep bailing them out.
When bankruptcy threatened PG&E
after its admitted roles in the massive 2018 Camp Fire that destroyed the town
of Paradise in Butte County, Gov. Gavin Newsom and legislators created the ongoing
state Wildfire Fund guaranteeing aid to the companies after future fires they
might cause. Customers of all three big utilities still pay monthly to fund
this $13 billion insurance policy.
When PG&E worried about possible
losses in shutting down the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant as scheduled in
2025, Newsom and the Legislature set up a state-funded extension of at least
five years. The rationale for this took the form of “blackout blackmail,”
threats of power outages if Diablo went off line. But plenty of “peaker” power
plants exist around the state, firing up in times of very high electric demand
and making blackout threats questionable.
Now the utilities are at it again, using
a law passed quietly last year that supposedly requires them to restructure
power rates so the rich pay more than the poor for electricity, regardless of
how much juice they use.
Under this plan, households with income
under $28,000 would pay a fixed $15 per month to fund power infrastructure like
transmission lines, with usage charges added to it. The fixed charge for
households earning $28,000 to $69,000 would be $20 to $34, those making $69,000
to $180,000 would pay $51 and households with more than $180,000 income would
pay $92 per month, plus usage fees.
One problem with this: average net bills
for everyone would most likely rise, starting in mid-2025. The first phase of
public comments on this system are due for submission to the state Public
Utilities Commission (PUC) by June 2.
This masquerades as help for low income
families, but it is really just another long-term insurance policy for the
utilities. For Community Choice Aggregations (CCAs) are taking hold all over
California today, from Sonoma to San Diego, Placer County to Pico Rivera.
These agencies buy power wherever they
can get it, offering options including all-renewable energy to those who want
to pay a bit more than if they bought the same mix offered by the utilities.
They use the utilities’ power lines to
bring that energy to customers.
But what if large-scale CCAs like
Northern California’s MCE Community Choice Energy and Southern California’s
Clean Power Alliance decide to build transmission facilities of their own?
The utilities could be looking at
multi-billion dollar transmission line white elephants they built with consumer
money acquired through monthly bills. To eliminate that risk, the big companies
need guaranteed funds to maintain and expand their lines, thus discouraging the
CCAs from undermining them by getting their own facilities.
That’s what the new pricing system seems
to be all about, although no utility company would ever admit it, and the PUC
can be counted on to cooperate, as it almost always accommodates the utilities
it regulates. If the new system also discourages rooftop solar installations by
forcing solar owners to pay monthly electric bills, that’s fine with the
That’s why their lobbyists worked to get
the Legislature and Newsom to “require” them to make the currently planned
as usual with the utilities, it is caveat
emptor, let the buyer beware. The utilities’ planned new pricing is
designed first of all to help them. Any good it might accomplish for anyone
else would be incidental.
Thomas Elias at His book, "The Burzynski Breakthrough,
The Most Promising Cancer Treatment and the Government’s Campaign to Squelch
It," is now available in a soft cover fourth edition. For more Elias
columns, visit
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