The idea of splitting California into two states is nothing
new. Noplace as large as California, with its almost 170,000 square miles and
its largest in the nation population of 39.2 million – even after losing
600,000 residents in the last few years – will ever be immune from people who
believe smaller is better, as ex-Gov. Jerry Brown loudly proclaimed in the
As early as the 1940s, some in California’s most northern reaches
began seeking a divorce from the rest of the state. Their proposal has never earned
a legislative or popular vote above the county level.
Since then, other splitting proposals have attempted to carve
the state into seven parts, or three, or cut it in two along vertical
north-south lines that would separate coastal counties from those a little bit
But until recently, all such plans called for large new
states – smaller than California, but nothing like Wyoming or Alaska, whose
areas are large, but support populations of 700,000 or less.
Now, though, some folks in two counties that feel neglected
want out. Last fall, voters in San Bernardino County – with the largest acreage
of any American county – voted by a 50.6 percent majority to study separating
from California to form a one-county state. Half a year later, that study has
yet to begin in earnest.
More recently, a separatist movement has arisen in El Dorado
County, best known for containing part of the gorgeous Lake Tahoe. The El
Dorado portion includes what many consider Lake Tahoe’s prettiest area, Emerald
Bay, and its rocky Fannette Island, whose permanent population has never
exceeded one. That was a sometime 19th Century English sea captain who
built his own tomb and chapel on the peaked islet he considered a paradise.
El Dorado County’s population is somewhat larger than that at
193,000, but South Lake Tahoe remains its biggest city, with 21,350 residents.
The county seat of Placerville has half as many folks, while other towns like
Grizzly Flats, Pollock Pines and Camino are far smaller.
But that doesn’t matter to some residents of the county, who now
support statehood for their large, mostly mountainous and wooded county.
“We all know that our problem is representation,” complained
one statehood supporter. “We don’t have a voice. We don’t have on
representative in state or federal government that lives in El Dorado County.”
Her sentiment echoed feelings in many Northern California counties,
some of whose people have tried for decades to create a new 21-county State of
Jefferson, which would putatively include everything from the Oregon state line
south to the Sacramento and San Francisco Bay areas. The state capitol would be
in Redding, largest city in the area and the Shasta County seat.
Statehood activists in those counties long sought to ally
with rural Oregon counties to make a somewhat larger state. But rural Oregon
now appears more bent on trying the “Greater Idaho” concept, seeking to move
the Idaho state line west to take in virtually all of Oregon east of the
Cascade mountain range. Because that, like Jefferson, would probably take a
statewide “yes” vote, it’s highly unlikely, but still a fun fantasy for a lot
of folks.
That’s also pretty much the situation in both San Bernardino
and El Dorado counties, which lack many resources needed to sustain a state.
Such realism, though, never dents enthusiasm for
independence. That’s how it is in El Dorado, where statehood supporter Sharon
Durst, 84, believes the county could appeal directly to Congress to separate it
from California, even though some western parts of the county are effectively rural
bedroom suburbs of the state capital of Sacramento.
“We think we have grounds to stand on (with) the fact that El
Dorado was actually a county before California was a state,” she wrote in an
online essay. “It is impossible to believe that the men who wrote the
Declaration of Independence would be of a mind to hold a people hostage of an
oppressive state any more than an oppressive king.”
Much of that could also have been said by Jefferson advocates
and those behind all the other 40-odd state splitting plans that have been
proposed for California.
So chances are El Dorado and San Bernardino county
enthusiasts won’t get any farther than their predecessors. But these days, few
things are absolutely certain.
Elias is author of the current book “The Burzynski Breakthrough: The Most Promising Cancer Treatment and the Government's Campaign to Squelch It,” now available in an updated third edition. His email address is
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